Camorra is an 8th Grade Subject – Shakubook

The new book by Mariafrancesca Villani

The Plot:

Year 2052. Nicole is a ninety-year-old “girl” on a bicycle trip with her grandchildren to

the beautiful park of Bagnoli. A Bagnoli finally returned to life and to

the beauty of its uniqueness. Just what all of us Neapolitans hope to see!

And from a park bench, facing the wonderful beach and those crystalline waters, she leaves a precious “legacy” to Clara and Dario, her grandchildren, who

listen to her bewitched. Naples, the world that was and the world of the future, merge

into one, leaving the reader with the exciting flavor of hope, but

also the disenchantment of illusion. And so the first part of this

debut novel ends, that, like a matryoshka, opens into two other stories that, on the

trail of really happened events, bring us back down to earth. Into reality.

There is the author’s personal journey, her compelling life and her desire to

always fight to achieve goals and objectives. What seems impossible

to reason but accessible to the heart, can be defined as probable? To reveal it

will be the last act, the story of the theft of a bicycle that magically closes the

circle and reveals an opportunity to the unthinkable reality of 2052 that

seemed naively imaginative to us before. Will perhaps be the realization of

Ciro and Rosa able to make a different Naples, a new humanity, possible?

Titolo Libro

Press Review


episode March 7, 2020

In Sorrento two literary events related to social issues

Positano News

La Camorra si Studia in Terza

In Naples Città Libro, the Book and Publishing Fair (Sala Ponente) in Castel Sant’Elmo, the book by Mariafrancesca (Checca) Villani was presented, “La Camorra si Studia in Terza – Shakubook”…

Gente e Territorio

A book that speaks to young people

Corriere del Mezzogiorno

«La camorra si studia in Terza»,
Villani’s world without eco-mafias …

Voce di Napoli

Environment and Camorra, the book of the future imagined by Mariafrancesca Villani …

KL Event Planner

In the suggestive setting of Castel s. Elmo, the Minister of the Environment Sergio Costa presented, as part of the second edition of Napoli Città Libro, the Book and Publishing Fair, the first book by Mariafrancesca (Checca) Villani, “La Camorra si Studia in Terza” ….

# I Love Campi Flegrei

Mariafrancesca Villani presents her new book 

“La camorra si studia in terza” …


What seem impossible to reason but accessible to the heart, can be defined as probable?…


Books. “La camorra si studia in terza” for a  ‘Human Revolution’ …

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